
2007-10-12 7:56 pm
(7)Now I am making_______(much)money than her and my flat is_____(big) hers.
(8)But I have_____9little)leisure time than her.She has avery good family.She is____(happy) of all the old classmates.

回答 (3)

2007-10-12 8:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(7) more ... bigger than
(8) less ... the happiest

much 嘅比較詞係 much/many, more, most
big: big, bigger, biggest
little: little, less, least
happy: happy, happier, happiest

最高級的比較詞前面通常要加 [the], 不過其實要睇點用, 例如: most of us ..., 這裡在 [most] 前面就不用加 [the].
2007-10-12 8:03 pm
7) more ; bigger than
8) But I have less leisure time than her...... She is the happiest of all the old classmates

hope this helps =)
參考: myself
2007-10-12 8:02 pm
less happier

2007-10-12 12:03:44 補充:
CORRECTIONmore...bigger thanless...the appiest

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