Redox 的問題

2007-10-12 7:41 pm
X, Y, and Z are metals , Y can displace X from a solution of the nitrate of X.Oxides of X and Y can be reduced by hydrogen but not the oxide of Z .

咁 Y 係reactive than X , 但係我唔明點解 X 會reactive than Y, 希望有人可以給我深入的解釋 !

回答 (1)

2007-10-15 5:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, since Y can displaced X, thus,Y is more reactive than X.

Secondly, Z cannot be reduced or displace by either X and Y ,thus Z is most reactive,compare to X and Y..

For example,in Group 7, Fluorine,Chlorine,Bromine and Iodine. Fluorine is the most reactive than Chlorine,Bromine and Iodine,this is because Fluorine cannot displaced by Cl,Br and I but F can displace Cl , Br and I..

I give u some sample equation:

2HCl + F2 ----> 2HF + Cl2

HF + Cl2 ---> X (no reaction occur,because Cl cannot displace F or F cannot displaced by Cl)

Can u understand?

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