
2007-10-12 3:47 pm
我宜家o係 LA 讀緊 college, 打算報讀明年transfer 去 University of California 其中一間...
o係香港中學畢業後讀學associate degree 同 香港大學...不過成績未如理想.
報大學的時候是否一定要報晒咁多間讀過o既學校? 可唔可以唔報? 因為成績唔好...

回答 (3)

2007-10-15 4:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
It depends.
Read the application form carefully.
I think they care more about your SAT scores.
Which UC do you wanna apply for? UCLA? UCSD? UC Berkeley?
2007-10-14 9:14 pm
They will need your grades in Hong Kong, but if your TOFEL score is high, they will not consider your grade too much.
參考: me from U.S.
2007-10-13 2:59 am
參考: 我家姐講

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