
2007-10-12 9:48 am

回答 (1)

2007-10-12 7:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Regarding the monetary policy:
1. Three tools to control money supply: open market purchases/sales, discount windows and interest rates.
2. Central banks: Bank of England (BOE) and Monetary Authority of Hong Kong (HKMA).
3. Both are lenders of last resort and are independent with the government.
1. The Hong Kong interest rates are affected by USA interest rates as HKD is pegged with USD, but for BOE, she can freely adjust the interest rates in accordance with the markets situations: she can lower interest rates if economy is in recession but raise interest rates if economy is in expansion.
Regarding the fiscal policy:
When the market is in recession, government will carry out expansionary fiscal policy to stimulate the economy but if the market is overheating, the government will perform contractionary fiscal policy.
From the revenues, most of the revenues of UK come from taxes on individual and corporations and by issuing government debts, however, in Hong Kong, the revenues are mostly collected from sales of land, shares stamp duty, indirect taxes e.g. gasoline, alcohols and cigeratees, taxes from individuals and corporations but seldomly come from issuing government debts.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:52:27
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