Wal-mart fired me because I was playing with the fish, is that fair?

2007-10-11 11:48 pm
Ok well in the pet dept at Wal-mart the fish tanks are discustingly dirty, I was a cashier and heard customers complain about it all the time, so one day I took it upon myself and got a pink plastic kiddie pool and put it in the middle of the aisle and dumped Deer Park gallons of water in it, then i caught all the fish with that little net thing and let them swim in the clean water in the middle of the aisle. I was trying to save their lives and customers loved it but I got fired over it!! Is this fair?

回答 (58)

2007-10-11 11:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Girl, your place is not at wal mart. You should work somewhere fun where you can play with animals all day and get paid for it. That is ridiculous that they would fire you for that, but then again they are Wal Mart and to them, you are just a number, not a person. Good luck to you, I respect you for attempting to save the fish's lives.
2007-10-12 12:24 am
Honestly, your intention maybe good. However, technically you're hired as a cashier not taking care the fish department. Just think if eveyone is like you doing other stuff other than what you should be, there will be a big problem, cashiers go to work as stockers, stockers become customer services, janitor working in return merchandising department.... I believe you get the picture now. One good way is seek your superviors approval first before you proceed. Got it?! :)
2007-10-12 12:01 am
Well, since you were not part of the Pets dept. and a member of management did not ask you to do this, it violates policy while on the clock. As you said you were a cashier and cleaning the fish tanks is not justified under the cashier's job description. Unfortunately, they were justified in firing you even though you were just trying to help. It sucks, but you live and learn from your mistakes. Next time a customer complains, take their complaint to a member of management and let them deal with the issue (if you get another job in retail....)!
2007-10-11 11:59 pm
I used to work for Wal-Mart too, and I was a cashier for 5 1/2 years. I know they hated it when we would play on the register, and I'm sure they were like "what the hell?!" when they saw u with the fish. Yeah u needed to be fired.
2007-10-11 11:58 pm
You were a cashier, it was not your responsibility. I have worked at Wal-Mart before (and shopped there many, many times) so I do agree that they don't take good care of their fish and tanks, most of the time.

You have to realize that since it wasn't your responsiblity, you acted out in a dramatic way. You also could have killed all of the fish some way (the pool burst, etc. an accident, or something), thus losing money for the store. I'm not saying you don't know how to care for fish, but you were a CASHIER, not a pet department employee.

They have every right to fire you for. I probably would have. :(
2007-10-11 11:58 pm
Well you were a cashier, not a pet-dept. employe, you wasted the water (for a good ppurpose), if anything I would have tried to get transfered to that department and actually take care of the tanks. Clean feed take out dead fish, maybe redo the tanks so they have more room to swim. From your bosses POV I understand why you got fired, but like I said you went the wrong way! P.S. I bet you had fun with the fish!!! And that water was not the right temp. treated and the pool probley was not cleand. And you may have mixed some fish that do not get along w/ eachother!!
2007-10-12 12:05 am
I can understand you wanting to do something about how nasty the tanks are but you did over step your bounds.

Tanks are cleaned with the fish still in them. Not only did you shock the fish by temperature, you also mixed up all the fish & it would take some time to put them back in the tank they come from.

Wal-Mart is notarious for their nasty tanks & death rate of the fish. Not many survive. When I buy fish at Wal-Mart I isolate them for about 3 weeks before I put them into a comunity tank.

You made a mockery out of the store. I think they did right by firing you. What you did is childish. I know these big stores want people to use their own iniciative but you went just a little too far.

LOL Some people do some pretty stupid stuff.
2016-10-09 1:24 pm
i changed into the dept manager of Pets at my interior sight Wal~Mart. I saved the tanks sparkling and the fish thrived notwithstanding the tanks were in undesirable structure when I took over. Wal~Mart does not furnish any preparation yet once you've the right individual contained in the interest it would not be counted.
2007-10-11 11:54 pm
LOL...that's funny! But I guess it was WAL-MART'S fish to kill if they wanted. BUT I'm sure all the customers did enjoy that. Just be glad some old lady didn't fall in it a drown, then you would have not only been fired but charged with manslaughter too. So if you think about it you ended up pretty lucky only getting fired. Try to go get a new job at a pet store. That way you could get paid for playing with the fish!
Sorry you got fired!
2007-10-11 11:54 pm
I think thats not fair because you were tryin to save the fishes lives and for wal mart probably alot of customers would come and more customers more things bought. Wal mart just lost a very good employee.

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