Camera crisis....?

2007-10-11 2:28 pm
I am in a big camera crisis now. I am 11 but please do not consider my age. I currently have a Canon Powershot A430 that is ruining every single bit of my moment. And in two weeks time, I’m going on a holiday and I really don’t want to ruined these shots! I’ve been looking around and have concluded with the Fujifilm S5700. But then when I asked a previous question, I came across the Canon 300D. I researched a little and I found the price on Ebay for one of the lowest around $100. It is even cheaper than the Fujifilm. And next week, I will be going to a bargain camera plaza and I really need to know what camera to get! Its either the S5700, Canon 300D or any other suggestions? I currently have RM330 ($90+) and I know that its not enough. My dad is willing to spend around RM130 more ($40+) for the camera. And he doesn’t mind me getting the 300D with a lens and maybe a flash. But I really like to use the viewfinder.

~ Makes me feel like a pro photographer and I don’t want the battery of the camera to be alkaline. Help please?? And I am trying to find dSLRs. My dad doesn’t allow me to buy online so I can’t go to any websites to buy. Any camera ideas? Hot shoe would be nice. And please leave your email for further advice? Thanks. Its not me, even my brother which is a pro photographer still cannot take good photos with it. The camera is just producing to junky and too grainy photos even at ISO 64.Oh yeah, and the lens should be at least f/2.8 but if not I still can consider

回答 (5)

2007-10-11 4:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If your budget is $100, you have to lower your expectations. You cannot get what you want for $100.

Even the older 300D on eBay will eventually sell for much more than $100; a lens alone will cost more than that!

My suggestion: when you're at the camera plaza, bring your A430 with you. Take sample shots with that one to compare with the cameras you handle. The sellers should let you try taking photos with the cameras for sale so you can compare.

I would also suggest getting a camera with image stabilization. The A430 is an older 4mp camera, and I believe the newer canons are much better.

At your price range for new cameras:

Nikon Coolpix L11

Canon PowerShot A560

Getting a used camera can be problematic, especially at the lower end of the price scale. Good luck.
2016-12-15 3:17 am
i even have Canon Powershot A430 yet its works high quality for me. what im attempting to assert is, in case you have a severe end digicam yet you won't be able to waiting to apply its capabality and good factors in precise way, it skill ineffective. the day earlier at the instant my buddies and that i went vacationing some acceptable places, then all of us attempt to take a image interior the comparable concern and observe which digicam is the suited. i grow to be utilising my Canon Powershot A720 (somewhat upgraded sort of Canon Powershot A430) and my buddies digicam grow to be, Canon SX100, and sony h7 (i dont comprehend if that's the kind yet i'm confident that they are utilising the latest digicam from the two producer). the specification of my digicam isn't something evaluate to their digicam. yet as quickly as we evaluate the image taken from our digicam, mine is the suited because of the fact i've got been given the precise concentration. what i propose is, locate ana article over the internet on the thank you to take a greater valuable photograph.
2007-10-15 5:44 am
Oh dear. Don't buy a Canon 300D from eBay for $100. You might not get what you pay for at that price. You might not even get anything after sending your very hard earned money..

I don't consider your age. When I was your age, my father bought me Nikon F2AS. It was so expensive (I remember exactly how much we paid for it--being $808 exactly)--but it lasted for years until unfortunately was stolen. Switched to Nikon FM then.

I am afraid your budget is too low for a DSLR. The cheapest Canon DSLR is $450 (body only) for a brand new one. You can get a decent compact digital camera for what you have, and when you're older (with more money saved, I mean), you can move up to DSLR. By then, it will be even better than what are available now.
參考: I use Canon 5D & Nikon FM2.
2007-10-11 7:22 pm
Get a Fujfilm Finepix F10. It's normally about $150 but if you shop around you could probably get it with your price range. It doesn't have a viewfinder, but it has a big LCD and takes good pictures. No offense, but if your brother is a professional photographer, why can't he help you out?
2007-10-11 3:25 pm
you are 11 and you want a DSLR
what's RM?

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