各位幫幫小弟作一個英文鬼故.... 10分

2007-10-12 5:40 am
開頭係:One upon a time,there was an old house in a village.People living in the village said that it was haunted house.
人物有:Jason,Ray and Stephy....


回答 (2)

2007-10-12 6:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
One upon a time,there was an old house in a village.People living in the village said that it was haunted house.
Jason was interesting this haunted hose . He call his friend Ray and Stephy to go into this haunted . They go to this haunted at night . The haunted hose is look like fright.
Ray was afraid there was some thing to kill hime but othere think that light is a interesting day.
They come to the haunted house and find that there are some blood on the road but Jason also think interesting . He never feel afraid . He said ''Ray , be brave . This world haven't ghost . '' After Jason said that , some look like white was fly in the air .
At that time , Jason , Ray and Stephy is very afraid that . They run to the door ahd want to leave this haunted house . Under the door , there are three boy , they say " Happy Halloween ." They think today is the most interesting Halloween .
2008-04-24 4:21 am

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