急急急..我最喜愛的食物是朱古力(英文) 幫下我呀!!!幫我作下呀!!!!!!!!plz=]

2007-10-12 5:02 am


回答 (2)

2007-10-12 5:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
why do you like chocolate??

what kinds of chocolate do you like most??

which brands of the chocolate do you like most??

where do you usually buy your chocolate??

how often do you usually eat chocolate??
*try to think questions for yourself by "wh-"words!!!
ask and then answer...you can think a lot more than 1 min=]
2007-10-12 5:18 am
My favourite food is chocolate. I like eating chocolate bescause it's taste very good.And also,when I am unhappy,I would to have some chocolate to make me feel happier.Also, when I am tired,I eat some chocolate.It would help me not to be very tired.But remember not to eat too much chocolate.It will affect our health .
參考: me

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