percentage question 2--urgent

2007-10-12 4:19 am
The cost price of a TV set is raised by 20% and the selling price by 14%. If the profit percent was orginally 40%, what is it now ?

回答 (1)

2007-10-12 4:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let the original cost be c
Let the original selling price be s

Given (s - c) / s = 40%
That is, s - c = 0.4s
Thus, s = 1.4c

New cost = 1.2c
New selling price = 1.14s

New profit percent
= (New selling price - new cost) / (New cost)
= (1.14s - 1.2c) * 100% / (1.2c)
= (1.14 * 1.4c - 1.2c) * 100%/ (1.2c)
= (1.596c - 1.2c) * 100% / (1.2c)
= (0.396c) * 100% / (1.2c)
= 33% (Ans.)


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