英文文法問題, 好難....

2007-10-12 2:31 am
an impersonal construction using there has a second main verd

There are many herbs and plants, like eucalyptus leaves, are used in traditional chinese medicine.

There are 同埋 are used 好似有問題

回答 (1)

2007-10-12 3:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.There are many herbs and plants, like eucalyptus leaves.
2.... are used in traditional chinese medicine.
要改,最簡單o既方法係將後句變成一句 relative clause,咁就可以同前句o既結構分割開,又保持原句:
There are many herbs and plants, like eucalyptus leaves, WHICH are used in traditional chinese medicine.
再唔係,想保留 are used 作為 main verb,就要將佢前面o既名詞變成主詞,即係刪去 there are:
Many herbs and plants, like eucalyptus leaves, are used in traditional chinese medicine.

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