英文文法問題, 好難....

2007-10-12 2:26 am
1. While traveling in France, the exchange reate got much worse.
2. After taking hours to plant hundreds of strawberry plants, the gophers came back to our garden and ate every one of them.

兩題的 introductory phrase is dangling modifier,

回答 (1)

2007-10-12 3:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
要留意o既係,當你用到呢d participle clause o既時候,因為省略左原句o既主詞,咁人地就要搵究竟主詞係乜。而唯一線索,就係 comma 後o既句子。所以,用得 participle clause,前後兩句都一定係同一個主詞,否則就前面 o個句就唔知係邊個做o既,即係半天吊冇著落(dangling)。
1. While traveling in France, the exchange reate got much worse.
依家咁睇,就係兌換率(exchange rate)o係法國旅遊途中變得差左好多。要修正好簡單,只要後面o個句個 subject,變成同前句(如我,佢,我地...)就得:
While traveling in France, I found that the exchange rate got much worse.
2. After taking hours to plant hundreds of strawberry plants, the gophers came back to our garden and ate every one of them.
依家種士多啤梨又係 gophers,食哂d士多啤梨又係佢地。好明顯,種o既係人,食o既係 gophers 啦,所以(舉例):
After taking hours to plant hundreds of strawberry plants, he found that the gophers came back to our garden and ate every one of them.

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