英文個人短講 [1分鍾]

2007-10-12 2:04 am
我想問呢個題目 = =+
What do you think of meeting/ dating online friends?
And give reasons to support your point.

同埋我可以點講啊 @@

回答 (2)

2007-10-12 10:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
短講就當然要nature d 啦..如果唔係會聽到悶...
同埋...一分鐘..要講既野唔多...而相信係緊張既情況下都唔會講得咁流利..(i think)

OK...now, I am going to talk about what I think about meeting online friends. Nowaday, lots of teenages would like to go on internet to make many friends and sometimes they may want to meet those friends. For me, I think this is a good way to meet different kind of people because different kind of people on the internet, they all come form different school and they are different age....On the other hand, if you meet them along, I don't think it is really safe, as you don't really know who they are...So, I would say...if you want to meet ur online friends..you should tell your friends and go together....

I hope it would help you...good luck!!
2007-10-12 2:28 am
First, we should think about should we meet the online friends. Second,should we believe these online friends? Do they are dangerous? If you want to date with online friends, do you have any reasons? We also know that in the internet, it may also tell lies or not beliveable. When the online friends want to date us, they may have some aims or want to get somethings form us. As we know, in the world, there are many news about the teenager date with their online friends and lose their money or others.
I don't agree that we should meet the friends of the internet.

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