Continental Airlines

2007-10-12 1:37 am
我想問 Continental Airlines 好不好, 佢地啲飛機安唔安全的.

回答 (2)

2007-10-15 8:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你問 "continental airline" 好不好, 我不知你講 "好不好" 的定義和範圍是什麼..........

以下小弟的解答, 只照自己本人所見所知的去回答你

本人做機場時都前都服務過呢隻機, 對佢地都有一定的了解

Continental airline (美國大陸航空) 簡稱即係叫CO

佢地每天都有一斑機由香港飛去紐約(去JFK機場, 大約早上十點幾至十一點幾走), 一星期7天都有航斑

因為佢地的hub (總部) 不在香港 (總公司在紐約), 所以香港的櫃位及行理服務處理服務就給了港龍及menzies做

因為由香港飛去紐約要十幾個鐘, 佢地全部用大型長程飛機, 此航線是用波音777 型號, 機齡都不超過7年, 而且保護極隹, check 機好密. 美國總公司d人成日去香港做audit, 睇住d人點做機 (仲要係好嚴個隻, 驚死你整爛隻機, 飛唔到又要蝕) 錯少少都出聲........

就算員工在機底走去隻機開工, 都要俾d機場保安用金屬探測機check完你先俾你去開工, 以防有人恐怖襲擊

接觸過佢地d 空姐, 個個都好尊業, nice 同淡定. 我認為萬一有什麼事發生, 佢地都可以一定應付到

至於乘客, 海關check 了一次身體及行理安全檢查, 去到登機喬再check 多一次 (有時仲要除鞋check, 以防有鞋炸彈)

2007-10-12 1:48 am
Continental Airlines (NYSE: CAL) is a U.S. certificated air carrier. Based in Houston, Texas, it is the fourth-largest airline in the U.S.[1] and the eighth-largest in the world by revenue passenger miles. Continental's marketing slogan, since 1998, has been Work Hard, Fly Right.

Continental operates to destinations throughout the U.S., Canada, Latin America, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region. It has more than 3,000 daily departures, serving 151 domestic and 120 international destinations and has 42,200 employees (at March 2007)[2]. Principal operations are from its three hubs at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport (in Cleveland, Ohio), George Bush Intercontinental Airport (in Houston, Texas), and Newark Liberty International Airport (in Newark, New Jersey). With a relatively small number of focus cities, the airline is arguably the most concentrated of all 6 major U.S. carriers around the hub and spoke system of airline travel. Continental Micronesia, a wholly owned subsidiary, operates routes around Micronesia from its hub at Antonio B. Won Pat International Airport on Guam and connects the Micronesian region with destinations in East Asia, Southeast Asia, Honolulu and Cairns, Australia.

Continental Airlines is a minority owner of ExpressJet Airlines, which operates under the trade name Continental Express but is a separately managed and publicly-traded company. They are also a minority owner of Copa Airlines. Cape Air, Colgan Air, CommutAir, and Gulfstream International Airlines feed Continental's flights under the Continental Connection identity, as does Chautauqua Airlines under the Continental Express identity; Continental does not have any ownership interests in these companies.

Since September 2004, Continental has been a member of the SkyTeam Alliance, in which it participates with Delta Air Lines, Northwest Airlines, and KLM. In addition to extensive code share arrangements with SkyTeam partner airlines, the airline also code-shares with Amtrak rail services to some cities in the northeastern United States, and with SNCF French Rail to destinations in France.

Continental has recently earned other noteworthy recognitions and awards:

No. 1 Most Admired Global Airline; FORTUNE magazine (2004, 2005, and 2006)
No. 1 Most Admired U.S. Airline; FORTUNE magazine (2006)
Best Executive/Business Class; OAG Airline of the Year Awards (2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006)
Best Airline Based in North America; OAG Airline of the Year Awards (2004, 2005, and 2006)
Best Trans-Atlantic and Trans-Pacific Business Class among U.S. airlines; Conde Nast Traveler (1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006)
Best Airline for Travel in North America, Best Flight Attendants in the US, and Best Inflight Service in the US by reader survey in the UK's Business Traveller magazine (December 2006)
"Airline of the Year" by OAG
Continental was also named "World's Most Admired Airline." by Yahoo
Award for Highest- Ranked Network Airline by J.D. Power and Associates
參考: wikipedia

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