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2007-10-12 12:16 am
( 一 ) 英語學習的現況

就大環境而言 , 台灣加入WTO後 , 因應國際化需求及教育部對英語教學向
下紮根之大力推動 , 和大數家長的推波助瀾 , 使英語教學和英語教育成為全民運。

以往 , 英語教學偏重單字文法探究及考試技巧模式 , 使習得的英語與實際
英語文化之社會與生活脫節。無法流暢開口說英語 , 教學方式以讀寫為主 , 讓
多數人中寧願中途放棄 , 甚至終生畏懼英語。有鑑於此 , 多數父母親無不盼望勿重蹈覆轍 , 並提早透過互動式學習與視聽教學來替代當年在英語學習的困境。

台灣幼教業界 , 向來以配合市場需求為風向球 , 教學目標的導向 , 是以學童的學校生涯作預備與規劃 。 市場上某數知名補習班業者雖每週聘用外籍教師或使用自行編纂的教材來進行唱遊式英語教學 , 即使使用蒙特梭利教學法進行英語教學的學園也多數未能用蒙式教學法引導孩童學習。

回答 (1)

2007-10-13 1:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
According to existing research results, people find that there is position that is responsible for studying the language in the brain, call it " Brocas district ". The child psychology experts of American Cornell University scan the scientific discovery through the nuclear magnetism , the brain position used has very great differences when the infant and adult study foreign language: " Brocas district " when children study foreign language, the brain stores foreign language in " Brocas district ", the same as the position that stores the mother tongue, but the adult has been already unable to store foreign language in this sector validly while studying foreign language, setting up memory structure again in another position that can only be in the brain, the new memory structure is not so sensitive as " Brocas district ", need to establish the connection with " Brocas district " while using, it is more difficult to form the feel for the language of " Brocas district " at the same time. This is that this area will plummet and reduce the sensitiveness with growth of people's age .

Children have a great sensitiveness to any language, their language feeling ability and imitating very capably. Need " best age " the prerequisite , pass kind night too early. Because the study ways of mother tongue and foreign language are different: The study of the mother tongue is mainly a kind of course naturally, children do not know that is studying and using the mother tongue by oneself ; And foreign language is studied and carries on in a kind of artificial language environment that founds , children need certain understanding , memory ability , it is not that the children of any age all possess.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 13:44:58
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