down咗runescape auto woodcutter,唔sick點use,可否教我?

2007-10-11 10:57 pm
我一start去use auto woodcutter,唔知咩野,個mouse狂gum個 all製,可唔可以教我use呀?thx!

回答 (3)

2007-10-13 2:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Please dont use autos, you might get kicked...make sure you do all the auto wants you to do though....and, I dont know which type it is (Like 5.0 Etc.) So I cant help you...
2007-10-15 4:27 am
Please don't used autoing programs, you might get banned. Also, some of those programs may simply not work and end up being faulty.

(My friend once tried 2 use this auto-mining thing, and his computer caught a virus.)
2007-10-11 11:53 pm
it is wrong one i think u must to downlow again if not cannot use
參考: me

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