
2007-10-11 8:32 pm

回答 (2)

2007-10-11 8:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
關於尼個問題應該係供電出現問題, 而供電問題就要先區分係壞電池定係壞火牛, 你可以試下拆出電池用直流電供電, 多用幾日, 看看會否出現相同題問, 如果冇就表示問題出於電池老化, 應要更換了, 如買原裝電池因應不同牌子及型號大概$1000-2000左右, 如覺得貴的話, 可以去問問商鋪有否代用電池買, 價錢會平上一大折. 但如果用直流電都一樣出現類似情況的話, 那就會係壞火牛的機會比較大了, 不過亦不排除其他硬件出現問題, 所以最好先拎返去廠比錢檢查一下問題出處才作決定解決方法吧.
2007-10-11 8:49 pm
It may be the power supply problem. Before that, please check the connection, Sometime the plug connection may not very well... And then... is the power cannot supply the power to your powerplug? What model you have? Even 過咗保養期, but power plug NOT in the 保養期, that why, I suggest you to buy a new power plug from your computer manufactory such as IBM, Dell.... etc.

If your friend have same model, you can try to borrows and test it. The cost around less than $1,000

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