
2007-10-11 6:35 pm

每個太空人要輪流工作,故此有足夠的床鋪可每人一張床。太空人不能隨處睡因為隨時不知會飄到那處。他們需睡在睡袋內而且需紮實,為求 達到地心吸力的效果。


回答 (4)

2007-10-18 6:50 pm
Very bad computer-translated english. Totally wrong grammer !!!

Other answer is much better
2007-10-12 5:03 am
If the astronaut will go to the washroom, they want to catch handrails and put the foot ring in first , prevent it from take and lose the position slipperily. The lavatory and what we used usually of the spaceflight under-deck are different , it is who sucks systematic operation that it releases with the vacuum.

Each astronaut should work in turn, so there are enough beds but a bed of each person. The astronaut can't sleep and does not notify at any time and float to that place everywhere . They need to sleep in the sleeping bag and take sturdily , in order to get the result of force of gravity.
參考: me!!
2007-10-11 9:40 pm
If the astronaut wants ascend the words of bathroom, they then the first essentials hold tight arm-rest and set top feet wreath, preventing from from sit then to slip to lose position up.The toilet in the space cabin uses usually with us of different, it takes out to absorb a system operation with the vacuum.

Each astronaut wants to work by turn, for this reason have enough bed can everybody's a bed.The astronaut can't sleep everywhere because of doing not know to will float that at any time.They need to sleep in the sleeping bag and need steady-going, for beg result of reaching the force of gravity.

Translate a plait to do English for me, the Wu goes to a d net fruit to arrive so much for the Gan translate, =.=The Gan kind will harm to die me
The Wu is that Shen, very important marry, the best Wu very most grammer
2007-10-11 6:44 pm
If astronuts need to go to toilet, they will need to grab the assistant handle and have a feet brace, this will prevent them from slipping away from the toilet seat. Toilet inside the space craft is different from the toilet that normally we are using, as it operates by vaccum suction method.

Each astronuts need to take workshift, therefore each of them has their own bed. Astronuts cannot sleep whenever they want, because they will flood around. They need to sleep in sleeping beds and have it tightly fixed, in order that have the effect of gravity.
參考: hope this helps, very directed into English

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