做事有交帶, 英文點講?

2007-10-11 5:47 pm
做事有交帶, 英文點講?

回答 (4)

2007-10-11 5:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you may use 'accountable'

eg: This person is accountable.
This is a person with great accountabilities.
2007-10-11 8:07 pm
做事有交帶, 英文點講?
Responsibl e 負責(俗: 有交帶)
John is fully responsible for the operation.
參考: SELF
2007-10-11 5:56 pm
"dependable"!?!?!?!? i never heard somebody say he/she is dependable XDDD
"reliable" 可靠 is good enough
and "responsible" 有責任心 is also good

2007-10-11 09:58:41 補充:
coz dependable is somehow meant 可依賴... there's a slight different between dependable and reliableit's more natural to use reliable and responsible
2007-10-11 5:52 pm
參考: me

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