
2007-10-11 5:33 pm


每個太空人要輪流工作,故此有足夠的床鋪可每人一張床。太空人不能隨處睡因為隨時不知會飄到那處。他們需睡在睡袋內而且需紮實,為求 達到地心吸力的效果。

回答 (2)

2007-10-11 9:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As the absence of gravity makes everything that lacks attachment floats in space, the food chosen must be easy for the astronaut to eat so as to prevent thr food from floating within the space capsule. In addition, preserving the taste and the freshness of the food is also important!

If the astronauts have to go to toilet, they must hold a armrest and put on a foot link to avoid slipping from the seat. Toilets in the space capsule is different from the ones we daily use, they are operated by vaccum pumping system.

每個太空人要輪流工作,故此有足夠的床鋪可每人一張床。太空人不能隨處睡因為隨時不知會飄到那處。他們需睡在睡袋內而且需紮實,為求 達到地心吸力的效果。
Each astronaut has to shift so that there would be enough beds for everyone. Astronauts cannot sleep wherever they want as they will not know where they will float towards. They need to sleep in firm sleeping bags for a gravity-filled situaion.
2007-10-13 3:53 am
Well done!

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