頭二十名英國大學排名 (限fashion design)

2007-10-11 5:11 pm
我今年要報英國大學~下年想讀fashion design~ 不過我arts就一般般~唔係太好~
我想問邊幾間讀fashion design既英國大學會比較好~ 可唔可以俾頭二十名既大學排名我~
我知saint martin 同University College London 係好~不過點先可以入到...係唔係arts一定要拎a先得? 成績最少要拎嘜grades? IETS試要幾分? interview又會係幾時? 如果interview時,因英文唔係咁好,係唔係入唔到架...??
如果我成績一般既話~入邊d學校讀fashion design會比較好?

仲有fashion design, fashion design management同 Textiles and Fashion Design 呢3科有嘜分別~ 邊科好?

回答 (2)

2007-10-12 4:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
The following is the table of league of Art and Design:
1 University College London 5 B 0 71 100.0
2 Reading 5 A 361 65 98.1
3 Oxford 4 A 458 45 95.1
4 Brunel 4 A 327 60 93.9
5 Loughborough 4 C 357 62 93.4
=6 Newcastle 4 B 360 55 93.1
=6 Goldsmiths College 5 B 317 56 93.1
8 Brighton 5 B 295 57 92.5
9 Edinburgh 462 63 92.4
10 Leeds 3a A 389 50 92.2
11 Kingston 4 D 307 70 91.9
12 University of the Arts - London 5 D 415 50 91.8
=13 Bournemouth 5 D 272 69 91.1
=13 Salford 5* A 233 51 91.1
=13 Dundee 4 B 354 48 91.1
16 Nottingham Trent 3a E 317 68 89.8
17 Aberystwyth 3a A 332 48 89.5
18 Robert Gordon 3a D 286 64 88.8
=19 Greenwich 218 82 87.8
=19 Falmouth 3a E 326 59 87.8
=21 Southampton 4 C 0 49 87.4
=21 Sheffield Hallam 5 C 265 48 87.4
23 Northumbria 4 D 286 55 87.3
24 Lancaster 3a C 381 38 87.1
25 Coventry 3a D 290 56 86.9
26 Kent 278 69 86.8
27 Ulster 5 D 264 52 86.5
28 De Montfort 4 C 252 49 86.0
29 Oxford Brookes 3b B 325 42 85.7
=30 Leeds Metropolitan 3a D 294 50 85.6
=30 Anglia Ruskin
The fashion design course is only a course under art and design subject. Their reqirement is already different. Some universities need you have AL Art -A grade-, then you need get a foundation art course,also. Then you can apply. But some are not, you can apply with A level result. The first 20 in uk, their requirement is very high, at lease A or B grade in your subjects(One is Art), interview, art sample submit,....the details should check with university. IELTS at lease 6.5 on the 20, if your english is not good enough, they think you can not pick up the course properly, they wouldn't accept your application. But some is not, they would enforce your language training, if they think you are good enough in art.
The portfolio included your study experience and course work, your sample and the comment of your art teacher.
Fashion design is a designer loking at the design part, only.
Fashion design management- is marketing of fashion design.
Textiles and fashion designis similar as fashion design and study the material of fashion such as material clothe-quality-style.......

I hope it can help you.
2007-10-19 3:23 pm
well...it depends on what you really want to study, if you want to study womenswear or fashion print, st martin is definately the best in london or i should say it is 1 of the leading fashion college in the world, u know how many great fashion designer graduated from here huh?....its hard 2 get in, of coz....if u r not that confident of your portfolio, you can try LCF, it is same as st martin that both of these college r in UAL....it is easier to get in.when u want to prepare with your portfolio, u can show ur drawing skill n ur design board,its good if u r keen on fashion illustration.when u hv ur interview, u will hv to show the interviewer that y u r in to fashion, or which fashion designer that u really admire. what kind of fashion magazines u usually read. thousands of ppl come to london to study fashion every yr but only few who r success, so u really have to think why u want to study fashion,as u know, london is an expensive place to live n study as u will be count as an international student. you dont really have to worry about IELTS as long as u can have 6.0 by the time u get into BA....if u can not get into BA, u can go to fashion portfolio or foundation, they have lower requiment for IELTS. there r certain subjects u can study in UAL, jewellery design, make up, performance art,ceramic n fine art so n so...1 thing u hv to beware is fashion management and fashion design r 2 totally different things. if u check on UCAS, fashion management is route A and fashion design is in route B...so u really have to decide what u want to study, dont come to fashion design just because you love to buy cloths.
i have got few friends who just finished their A-LEVEL and then they can progress to BA...but usually people do have to finished their foundation before they take their degree education. u can go to route A stright after you finished your A-LEVEL.,however, i guess u will have to be good at english because for fashion management or other course, you do have to write a lot of essay. u can build up these skills when u study foundation.
sorry that u might not want to read my answer as it is really long, but i dont know how to type chinese. i m sure this well help u 2 understand a little bit more before u decide what u want.
go to www.arts.ac.uk
u can find out more abt UAL
參考: my experience

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