見工自我介紹要講幾耐? 要詳細到邊?

2007-10-11 3:25 pm

另外我見其他較常見既問題,可能有d points都會同自我介紹講既野overlap左
以上既野可能我都已經係自我介紹帶過左, 係咪答番類似既野都冇問題?

回答 (1)

2007-10-11 4:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
depends on what type of job you are interview and your own experience.

2 to 5 minutes

introduction is normally a summary of your education and work experience.
the main point is you have to say something that is relevant to the job that you are interview for.

so, my suggestion would be the following points:
- name
- education - the latest one
- working experience after the graduation
- what you did in your last job that will add value to your new job

you have to sell yourself and that's y you have to make it quick and to the point that make a good impression

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