
2007-10-11 12:11 pm
我的純銀戒子(silver sterling)因長期戴上開始而氧化,可以怎樣回復"立立令"呢?

Thank you very much!!


回答 (4)

2007-10-11 1:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
WoW ! The answer upstair is so expensive. Buying stuff from "Tiffany" ? Bringing stuff over from England ?
Here's a cheap way :
Go to market or a super market, buy a little box of baking soda (蘇打粉).
Wrap tin foil (錫紙) inside a cup, melt about 2-3 tea spoon of baking soda inside the cup with hot water. Not too hot, around 70 degree would be enough, I dont want you to get burn here.
Amount of baking soda really depends on the cup size and amount of water you have, since nothing is toxic here, just try out different porpotions yourself, you cannot get hurt here. More baking soda just makes the process faster.
Now, simply drop the silver ring in the solution you just made. Sit back, and watch.
When the ring is shinny enough, take it out, rinse it, put it back on your finger.
參考: me
2007-10-11 8:32 pm

1) 用洗銀布, 係超市都有得賣
2) 用棉花沾濕洗銀水, 一抺就好"令". 你可以去深水埗的珠仔街 (汝州街), 可以買到洗銀水
3) 用布沾牙膏, 都一樣"立立令"
參考: 個人經驗
2007-10-11 6:32 pm
2007-10-11 5:32 pm
1. 你可以到百貨公司內專門只有賣銀飾的櫃台~~去假裝要看商品~~~然後就開始詢問~~銀飾很漂亮~~但是很難保養耶!妳看我手上的這個戒指都氧化了怎麼辦?一般聰明的店員會主動說~我幫妳洗一洗好了~~然後再跟妳推薦產品~~妳洗完後可以說再考慮考慮~~便可以走人!!

2. 賣銀飾專賣店有賣可以洗淨的商品
A. 洗銀專用水

參考: ME 的 個人經驗

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