an example of non-deffientiable function?

2007-10-11 8:14 am
i am sitting for the next CE
i've interest to know the kind of function that cannot be deffientiated.

f: R - R what it means? is there any prefix can be add before diffientiable to mean ---not diffientiable---

回答 (2)

2007-10-12 4:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
f(x) R -> R 的意思是指Real to Real。f(x) 收一個real number, 出一個real number的意思。前面的一個我們叫Domain,後面一個我們叫Range。

dy/dx = f'(x) = lim h->0 [(f(x + h) - f(x))/h]。



如 f(x) = 1 / x ,在0的時候function跟本沒有值,就不會differentiable。

又如f(x) = |x|,當x = 0的時候圖是尖的,也沒可能differentiable。

non differentiable 也有人說 not differentiable,或derivative [dy/dx, f'(x)] not exists。但沒有特別數學符號的。
2007-10-11 8:52 am
There are many! e.g. f: R -> R, f(x) = |x|, can you see why it's not differentiable?? In fact it is differentiable except at x = 0. You will know more about this if you do analysis.

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