What camera is the successor to the Canon PowerShot A610?

2007-10-10 9:06 pm
I was wondering what is the newer version or the successor to the Canon PowerShot A610. Here's the page at Canon for the A610.


回答 (5)

2007-10-10 11:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The A710 guess is wrong. Tom is right with the A640, but they have come out with a new A650-IS that would supercede the A640, which does not have "IS."


The A610 was upgraded to the A620 (my son's camera), the A630 (my brother's camera - a GREAT value), the A640 and now the A650-IS.
2007-10-11 4:43 am
how would people think A7xx is the successor of A610? and they are all top contributors.
they started with different digit. i think it's a650IS
2007-10-10 9:41 pm
2016-11-08 11:09 am
Canon A610 has 30% bigger sensor. it has 70% quicker non-supply up capturing. Sony DSC-W350 has 2x bigger determination reveal screen. it helps do away with blur led to by utilising small digital camera movements
2007-10-10 9:35 pm
Here is a site with the list of the Canon models in reverse chronological order, all different types mixed.


If you select the site by site function, (yellow letters in the text in the top of the page) you get the cameras in alphabetical order, easier to select the different types.

It looks like the Canon PowerShot A720 IS is a successor, but I am not sure. (I use the Ixus series.)


Added 2:
I agree that the A650IS seems the most direct successor, same size, same number and kind of batteries, bigger amount of pixels and better flip out and twist screen.

Loser, Canon is not always logical in naming follow-up cameras.
My old camera was a Digital Ixus 700 (also known as Canon PowerShot SD500), my new camera is a Digital Ixus 960, (also known as Canon PowerShot SD950 IS.) Do you see logic in the names?

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