
2007-10-11 7:26 am
1. 收到上兩年度己入賬的電費按金, 但Prepayment唔見有數, 請問怎樣冲數?
2. 收到上兩年度己入賬的租金按金, 又要怎樣冲數?
3. Director每月冇出糧但有供MPF, 年結是否要Dr.Director Cr.Accured?

回答 (3)

2007-10-11 11:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 收到上兩年度己入賬的電費按金, 但Prepayment唔見有數, 請問怎樣冲數?
Please look whether there is any deposit's account made in previous two year. you may trace back what is the accounting entry when the payment is made. If there is no deposit account, there maybe fully expensed when payment has been made, so the accounting entry may as following:
Dr Bank/cash
Cr Deposit/income
2. 收到上兩年度己入賬的租金按金, 又要怎樣冲數?
Dr Bank/cash
Cr Deposit/prepayment
3. Director每月冇出糧但有供MPF, 年結是否要Dr.Director Cr.Accured?
It is normall, since director may get pay from your company or not, but request your company to entitle him with MPF benefit, the a/c entry may as following:
Dr MPF expense
Cr Accrual
參考: my experience in CPA firm
2007-10-11 9:24 am
1. 收到上兩年度己入賬的電費按金, 但Prepayment唔見有數, 請問怎樣冲數?

DR Cash at Bank
CR Utility deposit

2. 收到上兩年度己入賬的租金按金, 又要怎樣冲數?
DR Cash at Bank
CR Rental deposit

3. Director每月冇出糧但有供MPF, 年結是否要Dr.Director Cr.Accured?
CR cash at Bank
2007-10-11 7:36 am
2. 答案同第一條一樣
3. 我唔知你問乜....乜你公司有Director呢個account既咩..本人真係聞所未聞

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