可唔可以幫下手 the top of the world

2007-10-11 5:16 am
1.the longest river in the world is ______________?
2.it is__________________-- KM long?
3.It locater at__________________________??
4.Intere sting facts_________________________________-??

回答 (3)

2007-10-11 5:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The longest river in the world is the Nile.
2. It is 6695 KM long.
3. It located in North Africa.
4. Interesting Facts about the Nile:
…The Nile receives its name from the Greek Neilos, which means a valley or river valley
…The Nile was called ‘Iteru’ in ancient Egyptian language.
…The Nile begins in the mountains of Africa and flows north to the Mediterranean Sea
…The largest source of the Nile is Lake Victoria.
…The two main tributaries of the Nile are the Blue Nile and the White Nile.
…The Nile flows through four countries: Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan, Burundi
…Its average discharge is 3.1 million litres per second.
…Along the coast of the Nile reeds called papyrus grew from which the ancient Egyptians made paper and boats.
…Ancient Egypt prospered in trade, as Nile was the most convenient waterway for traveling from one place to another.
2007-10-11 5:35 am
1.the longest river in the world is Nile
2.it is6,690 KM long
3.It locater at Glacier-fed lakes, Peru Atlantic Ocean
Sorry ,I don't know how to do No.4
2007-10-11 5:28 am
the longest river in the world is CheungKong
it is about6300 KM long
It locater at China
Then I don't know

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