英文遊戲for F.1

2007-10-11 4:04 am
如果我想搞一D ACTIVITIES FOR F.1 學生,要令佢地講多D 英文既,有咩英文遊戲可以搞?仲要係FOR HALLOWEEN CELEBRATION既最好~

回答 (1)

2007-10-11 4:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
team up into 2 teams....get 1 team to ask another team question in english...and get the other team to answer it back in english of course...get them to think.....and you can correct them if they got it wrong......

may be use graphic/pictures to generate their ideas on their questions. e.g., give them a picture of a movie star and ask them to think of a question about this movie star....pick their favourite movie stars so they will be more interested to play the game....
參考: myself

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