social studies

2007-10-11 3:48 am
I am a F.1 student. I think social studies is very difficult to me.Can you tell me how can improve my social studies.
Please ask me quickly. I will have a quiz.

回答 (1)

2007-10-11 10:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Be attentive in class, or when you are studying.
Look up the dictionary when you meet some new words/vocabulary.
Revise and study the topics day by day.Don't leave the topics for the other day.
If you don't understand, ask your classmates/teacher.
I think you've already promoted to F.1. Maybe you need some time to become adapted to this secondary school life. Actually social studies is not too difficult if you study hard. I passed every subjects in my secondary school studies.
參考: my experience.

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