
2007-10-10 10:32 pm
我岩岩開左張aeon visa card
1.credit purchase(第一個月十一號-第二個月十號)
2.sales cutt off date(第二個月十號)
3.payment due date(第三個月二號)

我想知道係咪只要我係payment due date之前清哂所有balance就可以唔就俾2%月息?
如果我只係還左minimun payment條數..個balance係咪就要charge2%月息?

係咪即係 第一個月十一號 - payment due date 都係free credit period,唔洗計利息?


回答 (1)

2007-10-10 10:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 我想知道係咪只要我係payment due date之前清哂所有balance就可以唔就俾2%月息?
Yes, as long as you pay off all your balance by the payment due date then you won't charge interest.
2) 如果我只係還左minimun payment條數..個balance係咪就要charge2%月息?
If you only made the minimum payment, AEON can charge you interest on the remaining balance. For example, if your total balance is $100 and your minimum is $10 and you only pay $10 then AEON can charge interest on the $90 that you haven't paid.
3) 係咪即係 第一個月十一號 - payment due date 都係free credit period,唔洗計利息?
It depends on your credit card interest free period. basicly, (as mentioned above) if you want to avoid interest, you should pay off all your balance by the due date then you don't have to pay interest.
You better check the terms and condition from AEON as different financial institutions has different terms and conditions.

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