
2007-10-10 10:07 pm


回答 (3)

2007-10-10 10:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The company should hold the meeting for the staff regularly, such as two weeks, once every one month. During meeting, the company can inquire whether the staff meet some questions on the work, for example the customer often complains the products or the staff of the company, can let the staff express one's own suggestion. After collecting all suggestions in the company, then make a self-criticism, see whether there are improved places in the company, try one's best to make the company perfect even more, more overall.

2007-10-10 14:20:32 補充:
2007-10-10 11:09 pm
The company should regularly hold the conference for the staff, for example two weeks of, month. During the conference, the company may inquire staff in work whether meets some questions, for example customer whether frequently does sue the company the product or the staff, also may let the staff express the oneself opinion. After the company collects all opinions, then makes the self-criticism, has a look the company whether has the improvement the place, makes the company perfectly, to be more comprehensive as far as possible.
2007-10-10 10:30 pm
The company should have a conference with the employees orderly, such as once two weeks or once a month. In the meeting,the company can know the problems whe n the workers are working. For example, do the customers always complaint about the products or the workers, It also can let the worker express their opinion. After the company collect and review the opinion, the company will be improved more perfectly.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:39:53
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