請幫忙我翻譯 這是握的graduation project

2007-10-10 6:17 pm
( 一 ) 英語學習的現況

就大環境而言 , 台灣加入WTO後 , 因應國際化需求及教育部對英語教學向
下紮根之大力推動 , 和大數家長的推波助瀾 , 使英語教學和英語教育成為全民運。

以往 , 英語教學偏重單字文法探究及考試技巧模式 , 使習得的英語與實際
英語文化之社會與生活脫節。無法流暢開口說英語 , 教學方式以讀寫為主 , 讓
多數人中寧願中途放棄 , 甚至終生畏懼英語。有鑑於此 , 多數父母親無不盼望勿重蹈覆轍 , 並提早透過互動式學習與視聽教學來替代當年在英語學習的困境。

台灣幼教業界 , 向來以配合市場需求為風向球 , 教學目標的導向 , 是以學童的學校生涯作預備與規劃 。 市場上某數知名補習班業者雖每週聘用外籍教師或使用自行編纂的教材來進行唱遊式英語教學 , 即使使用蒙特梭利教學法進行英語教學的學園也多數未能用蒙式教學法引導孩童學習。

回答 (1)

2007-10-13 12:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) English study present situation

Speaking of the environment, after Taiwan joins WTO, takes root downward in accordance to the internationalization demand and the Ministry of Education to English teaching impels vigorously, with large number guardian's adding fuel to the flames, causes English teaching and English educates into the entire civil transport.

Formerly, English teaching imbalance individual character grammar inquisition and the test skillful pattern, caused English and society and the life the actual English culture which the custom resulted in come apart. Was unable the smooth aperture to speak English, the teaching way by the read-write primarily, let in the most people rather the midway give up, even dreaded English life-long. Has 鑑 in this, the most parents hope not to make same mistakes over again all, and shifted to an earlier time by the interactive type study and the seeing and hearing teaching substitutes in the past in English study difficult position.

Taiwan preschool education field, always take coordinates the market demand as the wind direction ball, the teaching goal guidance, is makes the preparation and the plan by schoolchild's school career. In although the market some number well-known supplementary class entrepreneurs each week hire the teaching material which the foreign teacher or the use compile voluntarily to carry on sing tour the type English teaching, even if uses the Mengtesuoli teaching method to carry on English teaching the academy also most not to be able to use the Mongolian type teaching method to guide the child to study.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 22:41:28
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