Electric 定 Electrical

2007-10-10 5:47 pm
想問關於一個英文 grammer 問題:

我用 Electronic appliances 形容電子產品

因為 electric 同 electrical 都係 adjective
咁用電既 product 應該是 electric products 定 electrical products?

1) electrical products and electronic appliances
2) electric products and electronic appliances


回答 (1)

2007-10-10 7:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
electric是指using electricity for power, producing electricity, produced by electricity, used in the conveying of electricity(使用電力的,發電的,或由電產生,用來導電的)如:an electric cooker, an electric generator, an electric current, an electric plug等
而electrical是 of or concerned with electricity 電的;與電有關的
如:electrical engineering, an electrical fault等
而在Cambridge Dictionary online就有:electrical devices/equipment/goods
所以,是electrical products and electronic appliances.才對


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