In USA=los angeles, how to become a guardian ?

2007-10-10 3:19 pm
as my sister is coming and i need to become her guardian, what do i need to do?

Where could I find out information/ which department should I contact to process the paper that I will be my sis's guardian? if i go to the City Hall, what do i need to bring?


can i have ur email? coz i still have lots of questions......

回答 (1)

2007-10-10 7:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You will act as if you were the parent of your sister (i.e. your father or mother). You may have to attend PTA meeting (if you so wish) or you may be "summoned" to have meetings with your sister's teachers or principal. Legally, you will be held responsible for your sister's behaviours if your sister is still a minor.
The essence is to take good care of your sister.

2007-10-10 17:59:16 補充:
Since she is your sister, I do not think you need to do anything. You sister will have to fill in information about her guardian when she registers at school. Only at that particular moment you need to fill in information about yourself.

2007-10-10 18:03:43 補充:
There is a difference between professional guardians and family guardians.In your case, you are a family guardian.Most places apply very strict rules for professional guardians but not for family guardians.

2007-10-10 18:12:52 補充:
To play safe, you can ask your parents to give you an authorisation to become your sister's guardian in LA.

2007-10-10 18:17:48 補充:
Unless you are required to be the LEGAL GUARDIAN of your sister. In that case, you will a court order. But I do not think that is the case.

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