Probability Question

2007-10-10 9:40 am
A sprinker system inside a factory building has three types of activation device. Devices A, Devices B and Devices C, which operate independently. When there is a fire, if either device operates properly, the sprinkler system is turned on. In case of fire, the probability that Devices A operates properly is 90%, Devices B is 85%, and the Devices C is 80%. Find the probability that in case of fire, the sprinker system will fuction properly

回答 (2)

2007-10-10 9:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Since either device operates properly, the sprinkler system is turned on. 要三個都not operate 先會system turn off.
Probability that Device A not operate = 100%-90% = 10%
Probability that Device B not operate = 100%-85% = 15%
Probability that Device C not operate = 100%-80% = 20%
Probability that 三個都not operates = 10%*15%*20%=0.3%
所以the probability that in case of fire, the sprinker system will fuction properly is 100%-0.3%=99.7%
2007-10-10 9:46 am
because they are say " if either device operates properly the system will turn on" so we just pick the Devices that has the highest rate that the divices will work properly!!

the answer is 90%

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