
2007-10-10 8:11 am
Firstly, both of us discussion what things we need to buy? On the first point, the conclusion is we need to buy a desktop computer to handle all the things, because writing by hand is really very slowly. Secondly, we need to buy the database software to handle the date, otherwise, to buy a computer equal have not buy it. Thirdly, we need to buy the scanner, because that can help us to put the date into computer easily.

回答 (3)

2007-10-11 4:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
At first , both of us are discussing what equipment should be bought/purchased . At this point the discussion has come to a conclusion :
(1) It is required to buy a desktop computer to perform various tasks like hand-writing (because of its two main functions - data storing and computation) .
(2) It is necessary to buy database software to handle all the data .
(3) A scanner is needed for data transimission from or into the computer easily. (Without a scanner,the required tasks cannot be well-performed by a desktop computer).

附註 : 括號內的句子僅供參考,需否加上悉隨專便 !
2007-10-10 8:35 am
Firstly, we were discussing what things we need to buy. On the first point is we need to buy a desktop computer to handle all the things because writing by hand is really slow. Secondly, we need to buy the database software to handle the data, otherwise, buying a computer equal nothing. Thirdly, we need to buy a scanner because that can help us to put the data into the computer easily.

When you write, try not to use "things" because things mean nothing. Try to state out as many points as possible in order to give readers clear direction. Also, try to use formal English instead of using "Chinese-traslation" English.
參考: myself.
2007-10-10 8:34 am
We need to buy the following items after our discussion. The first thing is a desktop computer, beacuse it can handle the work more efficiency, especially the hand-writing process. In order to achieve an effective data management, the second thing is the database software. The last thing is the scanner to convert the hard copy to soft copy and stores in the computer easily.
參考: Me

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