
2007-10-10 7:25 am
Why when water or brine is electrolysed, the products are also hydrogen, chlorine and sodium?
Why after the electrolysis of water, chlorine and sodium can be found?
Secondly,chlorine dissolves in water to form chlorine water,for this chlorine water,is it the mixture of HCL and HOCL?
Finally,please give me the chemical . symbol equations or their name in form of symbol(e.g. water = H2O)
for 1) bleach,
2)Calcium hypochlorite


回答 (3)

2007-10-11 3:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
When water is electrolysed, Cl and Na will NOT be formed as there is no Cl and Na in DISTILLED water. Only H and O is present, therefore, only H2 and O2 will be formed.
When brine (NaOH aq) is electrolysed, the product may NOT be H2, Cl2 or Na.
The product formed mainly depence on the concentration of NaOH(aq) and the method of electrolysis. For example:
1.)Elcetrolysis of very dilute NaOH(aq)
Products:H2 at cathode.
O2 at anode
2.)Electrolysis of concentrated NaOH(aq)
Products:H2 at cathode
Cl2 at anode
3.)Electrolysis of concentrated NaOH(aq) with MERCURY(Hg) cathode and graphite anode
Products:Na at cathode (Na will then react with Hg to form Na/Hg)
Cl2 at anode
Simply say is Yes.(there may also be some Cl2 O2(especially under heat))
Cl2+H20<--->HCl+HOCl (it is a reversible process)
1.)Bleach is not the name of a particular compound, it is a mixture.
The active ingredient is NaOCl (Sodium hypochlorite)
2008-01-16 6:19 am
distilled water do not conduct electricity.
if we carry out electronlysis on water, nothing will form.
2007-10-14 6:06 am
1.Na or Cl will not be found in water after electrolysis cos water only contains H and O ONLY. (as above mentioned)

But if Na or Cl can be found, it should be sea water (NaCl dissolves in H2O).
then after electrolysis, chlorine gas, hydrogen gas and sodium hydroxide solution will be formed.

2.' chlorine dissolves in water' , we do not call them chlorine water.
When chlorine dissolves in water, hydrochloric ACID will be formed, and so the symbol of it is HCL. it's an acid but not water!

3. bleach: NaOCL
Calcium hypochlorite:Ca(OCL)2

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