what is a nice and cool chinese name for guys??

2007-10-10 7:18 am
i come from australia. im a ABC ( australian born chinese ) i dont hv a chinese name, i m 15 yrs old, i want to hv a cool chinese name. i would prefer a name with 3 characters and wong as a surname...coz my family is called wong...i dunno how to write it though..wong as in the colour yellow

回答 (2)

2007-10-11 6:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
黃子軒, 黃智熏, 黃傲然 are cool~!!just pick one!!
P.S. why don't you ask your parent to make one for you? I guess they do know chinese right?
2007-10-10 9:08 pm

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