Directed numbers 文字題

2007-10-10 5:43 am
想要一些Directed numbers 文字題, 要英文的, please.

回答 (2)

2007-10-12 5:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. An elevator starts at the twelfth floor and then goes down six floors. At which floor does the elevator finally stop?

Answer: The elevator finally stops at:

2. A diver first dives from sea-level to a position 10 m below sea-level, the she further dives to another position 50 m below sea-level. How deep has she dived in her second part of diving?

Answer: She has dived:
=40 m

Hope can help you la!
參考: My Mathematics textbook
2007-10-10 5:49 am
a submarine moved up 120m from 250 m below the sea-level,then decending by 70 m, Ues a directed number to reprsent the location of the submarine.
參考: my maths book-New Trend

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