2007-10-10 4:51 am

不好意思! 煩請用中文解答,英文我看不懂!

回答 (1)

2007-10-13 7:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Ultraman Fighting Evolution Rebirth
Episode 01:
1.Ultraman hits with the Combo attack
2.Ultraman hits with the Just attack
3.Ultraman hits with the Charge attack
4.Ultraman successfully hits with the Nebula Combo
5.Ultraman uses the grab
6.Finish off with the final attack
Episode 02:
8.Ultraman does the trowing move
9.On Gomora(Monster) get on top of it(one of the grab)
10.Ultraman Dodge's an attack.
11.On Redking(Monster) hit it with Dodge attack.
12.Don't even get hit by Gomora's Special.
13.Win against Redking with Strenght mode.
14.Only Beat Redking with Throw and Special moves.
Episode 03:
16.With Ultraman7 success on Nebula Combo.
17.Ultraman7 special move(not sure on it)the right here is press O(circle) once and that's done, too difficult...
18.Ultraman7 uses Emeriumu Beam(not sure what special)
19.Ultraman7 uses Eye Sluger(did I spell it right?)
20.Ultraman7 uses Wide Shot
21.Do over 10 times of Combo attack.
22.Gets Dam destroyed by moddified Eleking(Monster)
Episode 04:
24.Ultraman Tiga successfully does Nebula combo.
25.Ultraman Tiga Changes to Power type.
26.Ultraman Tiga Changes to Sky type.
27.Ultraman Tiga uses Derashiumu Beam(Special?)
28.Ultraman Tiga uses Lanbalt Beam(Special?)
29.Ultraman Tiga uses Zeperion Beam(Special?)
30.Beat ChaosKirieroid(Monster) with Power type.
31.Tiga has to change modes 20 times
(hint: just throw the enemy and change once, if the enemy is too far and is doing nothing, don't lose time, change twice or 3 times(twice is recommended)
Episode 05:
32.Hit it with Jump Kick,.
33.Use level 1 Special on monster.
34.Use level 2 Special on monster.
35.Use level 3 Special on monster.
36.Fall with Moddified Redking into Lava.
37.Hit monster with charge attack more then 5 times.
Episode 06:
39.Hit with Combo attack.
40.Use Full Moon Rect(Special?)
41.Use Prominens Ball(Special?)
42.Hit monster with Just attack more then 5 times.
43.Hit monster with Dodge attack more then 5 times.
44.Army Beats monster(Tanks shooting at it)
45.Beat the stage with less then 10% life.
Episode 07:
47.Use Version up of Ultraman Gaia.(Level 1 Special)
48.Use Level 2 Special.
49.Use Level 3 Special.
50.Ultraman Aguru uses Aguru Saber(Special)
51.Ultraman Aguru uses Photon Crasher(Special)
52.Ultraman Aguru uses Photon Screw(Special)
53.Finish off with Photon Crasher.
54.Win against Bullton with Strenght mode.
Episode 08:
55.Hit it with combo attack.
56.Hit it with Just attack.
57.Hit it with charge attack.
58.Hit it with Nebula attack.
59.Make the modified tyrant II revive 3 times.
60.beat the modified tyrant less then 5% health.
Episode 09:
62.Ultraman uses Level 1 special.
63.Ultraman uses Level 2 special.
64.Ultraman uses Level 3 special.
65.Ultraman uses more then 2 types of throw.
66.Do more then 5 times of Just attack.
67.Don't miss at all on Geronimo's Icicle and clear it.

2007-10-13 11:41:29 補充:
Episode 10:69.Hit it with combo attack.70.Hit it with Just attack.71.Hit it with charge attack.72.Finish off with Level 2 special.73.Finish it off with the monster special bar is at 0.74.Dodge the Special attack.75.Don't Miss on the UFO.76.???

2007-10-13 11:44:07 補充:
真係唔好意思, 字數有限出唔到, 不如你出多個問題for 11 - 13 話

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