what is correction

2007-10-10 4:37 am
what is correction

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2007-10-10 4:50 am
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1 right and not wrong; in agreement with the true facts or with what is generally accepted:
a correct answer
"Is that the correct spelling?" "I don't know - look it up in a dictionary."
It's not correct to describe them as 'students'.
FORMAL "Your name is Angela Black?" "That is correct."
NOTE: The opposite is incorrect.

2 taking or showing great care to behave or speak in a way that is generally accepted and approved of:
He's very correct in his dress/speech/manner, isn't he?

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verb [T]
1 to show or tell someone that something is wrong and to make it right:
Students said it was helpful if the teacher corrected their pronunciation.
I've got thirty exam papers to correct.

2 If a medical treatment corrects a particular condition, it cures the condition or makes it easier to manage:
glasses to correct poor vision
a chair which corrects bad posture

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1 [C or U] a change made to something in order to correct or improve it, or when you make such a change:
She was disappointed to see her essay returned with a mass of corrections in red ink.
See also corrections.

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plural noun US FORMAL
the set of methods available to the authorities for punishing and treating people who have committed crimes:
a corrections officer
See also correction at correct.
2007-10-10 5:40 am
1. 訂正,修改;校正[U][C]
Look carefully at the corrections which I have written in your essay.
2. 懲治,懲罰[U];教養[P1]
The prisoner was sent to a labor camp for correction.
3. 修正量[U]
4. 【經】(市場價格上漲後的)回落
2007-10-10 5:01 am
Correction, via the identical French from the Latin corrigěre 'to make straight (again)', is an action to rectify, to make right a wrong. It may have the following meanings:

To set straight an error, clarify a misunderstanding, undo resulting damage; e.g. a correction (newspaper) in a newspaper is the posting of the notice of a mistake that appeared in a past issue of a newspaper
To rectify an illogical state, e.g. a market anomaly as in correction (stock market).
As a euphemism for punishment, of various kinds, mainly physical; in institutional terminology specifically used for imprisonment, e.g. correctional facility (prison) or corrections.
the various duties of a corrector, a political/administrative office in classical Antiquity and still an ecclesiastical one in the Catholic Church.
2007-10-10 4:46 am

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