
2007-10-10 4:11 am

多謝大家的努力回應,可是我仍有以下問題: 第一位答者:既然牛奶煮,用為甚麼平日的白汁沒有牛奶味? 第二位答者:用白酒煮,但平日的白汁是沒有酒味的... 第三位答者:可否用中文....? 第四位答者:甚麼是麵撈?白汁好像沒有雞味的... 還有,我看過超市的忌廉很貴的,一小包就20元.那麼餐廳又如何做出20元的白汁雞皇飯?



回答 (4)

2007-10-10 9:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
西餐白汁 (cream sauce)

做法是煮熱一煲上湯(不可以沸騰),之後加麵撈調和到想要的 (杰度) 。之後加點whipped cream和落鹽、糖調味。之後開火煮沸便完成。

p.s 1 點解煮熱上湯不可以沸騰?因為上湯沸騰的話你一落麵撈會馬上型固,白汁便會起粒。
p.s 2 麵撈像白蓮蓉似的,直接加落上湯好難攪溶,有什麼好方法?好方法是先用少少水開溶麵撈,之後才加落上湯去。
p.s 3 家裡沒有什麼上湯,有什麼方法?用包裝清雞湯也可以呀!
p.s 4 whipped cream是什麼?whipped cream是淡忌廉,蛋糕上花型的cream便是whipped cream打成的了。分別是做蛋糕加糖坐冰水中打成固體cream,你就加入鹹味的上湯去煮白汁。whipped cream本身沒有味道,可作鹹或甜的煮法,一般超級市場有售。
p.s 5 份量多少?上湯1000ml的話,whipped cream 100ml,麵撈大約 100ml左右。

2007-10-11 03:59:54 補充:
甚麼是麵撈?麵撈是牛油和麵粉混合成的麵糊,牛油煮熱之後一比一加麵粉煮成。有關麵撈的細節你可以看下面的連結。http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007021204504白汁好像沒有雞味......哈哈!雞味是有的,不過給忌廉或牛奶和麵撈的味道蓋住。你要明白雞味本身不是強的味道,跟忌廉或牛奶是沒有得比的。超市的忌廉很貴,係超市食水深的問題。餐廳用的來貨價是平好多的,跟超市相同牌子的忌廉1000ml裝也大約$40左右。還有是餐廳唔會比好多忌廉打白汁,打10 L 白汁比500ml已經好重手的啦!

2007-10-13 02:22:26 補充:
那裡買到餐廳用的忌廉?超市有售,分別只是大包裝和小包裝罷了。如果你真的想買1000ml的大包裝whipped cream的話,你可以去citysuper看看有冇,或者去烘焙材料尃門店買。老實說1000ml太多了,你是一次用唔完的。買包小包裝125ml就差唔多啦!
參考: me
2007-10-10 5:56 am
白汁(法語:Sauce béchamel (pronounced [be.ʃa.'mɛl] or [beɪ.ʃə.'mel])),英語也稱為white sauce,是一種基本醬汁,常用於製作其他醬汁如乾酪白汁(Mornay sauce,芝士加上白汁),是法國菜常用的醬汁French cuisine, is usually made today by whisking scalded milk gradually into a white flour-butter 溶油麵糊(roux), though it can also be made by whisking a kneaded flour-butter beurre manié into scalded milk. The thickness of the final sauce depends on the proportions of milk and flour.

When it was invented, sauce Béchamel was a slow simmering of milk, veal stock and seasonings, strained, with an enrichment of cream. The sauce under its familiar name first appeared in Le Cuisinier François, (published in 1651), by François Pierre La Varenne (1615 – 1678), chef de cuisine to Nicolas Chalon du Blé, marquis d'Uxelles. The foundation of French cuisine, the Cuisinier François ran through some thirty editions in seventy-five years. The sauce was named to flatter a courtier, Louis de Béchameil, marquis de Nointel (1630 – 1703), a financier, sometime intendant of Brittany, who is sometimes mistakenly credited with having invented it. Many chefs would now regard as authoritative the recipe of Auguste Escoffier presented in Saulnier's Répertoire: "White roux moistened with milk, salt, onion stuck with clove, cook for 20 minutes".

The sauce called velouté, in which a blond roux is whisked into a white stock, is a full hundred years older, having appeared in the cookbook of Sabina Welserin in 1553.

Béchamel sauce is the base for a number of other classic sauces including:

Mornay sauce (cheese)
Nantua sauce (shrimp butter and cream)
Crème sauce (heavy cream)
Mustard sauce (prepared mustard)
Soubise sauce (finely diced onions that have been sweated in butter)
Cheddar cheese sauce (cheddar cheese, dry mustard, Worcestershire sauce)
2007-10-10 5:15 am

白 汁 做 法 :

以 牛 油 和 少 許 欖 油 起 鑊

加 入 麵 粉 拌 勻

再 加 入 少 許 白 酒 和 鮮 奶 即 成

先將材料切粒,落鑊稍為略炒,放 700ml 水,煮約 15 分鐘,後下白汁拌
勻煮五分鐘, 放入莧菜及鮮奶再煮五分鐘便成。
2007-10-10 4:21 am
白汁做法: 牛奶用慢火煮至煲邊有氣泡後,加入淡牛油拌勻,然後剩起約3湯匙 的熱牛奶來混合麵粉,混合好後倒回煲中拌勻。'
Cream can in supermarket buy

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