
2007-10-10 3:37 am
Fill in the blank
We are (1)_____ in our hotel. There (2)_____ a heavy snow last night, and in many parts of the region traffic was (3)_____. We had wanted to (4)_____ a village 50 km from the capital city today, but the road was (5)_____and we don't know when it will be (6)_____to traffic again.

回答 (4)

2007-10-10 3:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 all
2 was
3 stop/stopped
4 visit
5 blockade/block
6 albe
2007-10-10 3:50 am
1 all
2 was
3 stop/stopped
4 visit
5 blockade/block
6 albe
參考: me
2007-10-10 3:44 am
1 all

2 was

3 stop/stopped

4 visit

5 blockade/block

6 albe
2007-10-10 3:44 am
1. staying
2. was
3. blocked
4. go
5. blocked
6. able

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