F.5 geog

2007-10-10 2:32 am
what is the difference between suburbanization and urban-rural migration?Are they the same?

回答 (1)

2007-10-10 2:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
(a) Suburbanisation refers mainly the movement of urban population from urban areas to suburban areas (areas surrounding towns or districts), *but not back to the rural villages. These places are usually named as rural-urban fringe(城鄉交接區). A typical example can be found in Hong Kong (Tsuen Wan).

Moreover, this transformation is mainly motivated by mid-income groups, as they are particularly keen on seeking a better living environment.

(b) Rural-urban migration, however, refers to the process in which the rural population moves to urban areas (cities).

If you mean urban-rural migration, it has an opposite meaning of (b). It doesn't mean the same as (a) since it implies further development of the rural-urban fringe.

2007-10-10 18:52:56 補充:
Urban-rural migration, in order words, can mean urban encroachment

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