"平水之交" 既英文係乜??

2007-10-10 2:26 am
"平水之交" 既英文係乜??

回答 (2)

2007-10-10 2:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
根據 Webster online dictionary:
Acquaintance: a person whom one knows but who is not a particularly close friend

2007-10-09 19:20:19 補充:
Nothing offensive. For discussion's sake, 香港人喜歡用Common friend來形容普通朋友,但老外所指的common friend,是指我和你都識的朋友,common 在這裡是共同咁解,而唔係普通。唔信可以打『common friend』 search下外國網頁。
2007-10-10 2:51 am
Hope the below helps you:

平水之交 - acquaintant, common friend
Eg: He is just a mere acquaintant, we are not very closed to each other even we know each other for sometime.
He is just a common friend as we do not have any close friendship.

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