我想知 TiVo 係咩黎嫁? 點解而家果間公司會蝕錢?

2007-10-09 7:55 am
我知 TiVo 係用黎錄野既,但唔明白一個高科技野點解到而家都仲會蝕錢,而係香港又好似冇廣告PROMOTE 呢個產品咁呢?

P.S. 我希望大家係用中文回答,盡量講多D呢個PRODUCT 既野我知,THANKS!

回答 (1)

2007-10-10 3:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't know how to write Chinese. Sorry.

Tivo is a subscribtion service that customers can use it Tivo hardware to manage the recording of TV program digitally. The hardware itslef is basically a hard disk drive digital video recorder connected to internet and cable cox with special user interface software. Unlike the HDD DVR you buy anywhere which just work like a VCR, user can tell Tivo, for example, to record "the whole week of NBA basketball game" and the software will connect to the main Tivo database comeback with the time info to record all the program the user requested. The monthly fee for Tivo is between
$US 13 - 17 depending on how long you sign up for.

I don't think HK support Tivo services

About why it is loosing money. I feel that the selling point of Tivo is the user interface software. The hardware is the DVR you can buy outside. If people
can live without the software feature, they save minimum US$13 a month.

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