mathematics function F.4 (40)

2007-10-09 7:54 am
function: y = -x^2 - x+1
Direction of opening: (1)
y - intercept : (2)
funtion: y = -3+x+2x^2
Direction of opening: (3)
y - intercept : (4)

回答 (2)

2007-10-09 8:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
The direction of opening is determined by

the sign of the coefficent of x^2.

+ve means opening upwards;
-ve means opening downwards.

y - intercept always EQUAL to the constant term of the function.

y = -x^2 - x+1

the coefficent of x^2 = -1
so the sign is -ve

the direction of opening hence is downwards.

constant term is +1
so the y - intercept is +1

y = -3+x+2x^2

the coefficent of x^2 = +2
so the sign is +ve

the direction of opening hence is upwards.

constant term is -3
so the y - intercept is -3
2007-10-09 8:00 am
(1)open downward,y intercept:1
(2)open upward,y-intercepy:-3
參考: 自已

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