
2007-10-09 5:30 am
例如 :

- tion = - _n_


回答 (2)

2007-10-09 11:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
sth: something
nth: nothing
pls: please
w/o: without
i/o: instead of
s/b: should be
asap: as soon as possible
BRB: Be Right Back
NP: No Problem
OT: Off Topic
AKA: Also Known As
btw: By The Way
F2F: Face to Face
LOL: Laugh Out Loud
WTF: What the F*?
WTH: What The Hell?
r.i.p: rest in peace
X'mas: Christmas
AAMOF: As a Matter of Fact
BBS: Bulletin Board System
FAQ: Frequently Asked Question(s)
IME: In My Experience
IMO: In My Opinion
IIRC: If I Recall Correctly
IRT: In Reply To, In Regards To
ISO: In Search Of
ITMT: In The MeanTime
LTR: Long Term Relationship
LMAO: Laugh My Ass Off
NG: News Group
OTOH: On The Other Hand
PITA: Pain In the Ass
RL: Real Life (as opposed to net.life)
ROFL: Rolling On the Floor Laughing
RT: Real-Time/Rise Time/Radiation Therapy/RighT (direction)
RTFM: Read the F*ing Manual
SO: Significant Other
SQO: Some Quantity Of
TIA: Thanks In Advance
TOS: Terms of Service
TPTB: The Powers That Be
WRT: With Respect To
2007-10-09 7:28 am

參考: Experience

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