mortgage 利息點計???

2007-10-09 4:59 am
我想知我欠銀行100萬分20年. How much for total 利息.

回答 (2)

2007-10-09 8:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Principal (P) = HK$1,000,000.00
no. of period (n) = 20yrs x 12 months / yr = 240 periods (assume monthly payment)
effective interest rate per period (i) = 5% p.a. / 12 = 0.417%

regular / monthly payment (R) = (P x i) / {1 - [(1 + i) ^ (-n)]} = HK$6,599.56

at the end of period 1:
You have to pay out R = HK$6,599.56
in which,
interest payment = HK$1,000,000.00 x i = HK$4166.67
principal repayment = R - interest payment = HK$2,432.89
Now, the outstanding balance = HK$1,000,000.00 - principal repayment = HK$997,567.11

at the end of period 2:
You have to pay out R = HK$6,599.56
in which,
interest payment = HK$997,567.11 x i = HK$4156.53
principal repayment = R - interest payment = HK$2,443.03
Now, the outstanding balance = HK$997,567.11 - principal repayment = HK$995,124.08

and so forth
2007-10-09 5:04 am

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