linksys 問題

2007-10-09 4:29 am
點解我直接駁條線落部notebook 度佢顯示傳輸速度係100Mbps
但係我用左個router 上裝之後佢顯示 54.0 Mbps 既?

回答 (1)

2007-10-09 7:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As I know, when you connect the cable from modem to notebook, it can show you on 100Mbps, because your notebook netcard support 100Mbps, and your model SUPPORT 100Mbps as well, not it doesn't mean you will run 100Mbps on internet. Same as router, the router may support 54Mbps (wireless ??), this is normal MAX speed for wireless router, (expect some 108Mbps or 54Mbpsx2 router), Whatever hpw can you connect, if you just looking for Internet connection speed.. this is useless.. it was because, if you use the Internet Service Provide is 1.5M or 3M, you still cannot use the FULL 54Mbps speed...

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