日本JR 7 days Pass

2007-10-09 4:07 am
我買錯了日本JR 7 days Pass, 費用約HK$1900, 我向代理公司詢問退票手續, 他們回覆只能退回HK$1222. 現詢問是否可以在日本機場的JR COUNTER進行退票手續(10%手續費), 而無需在香港給予代理公司徵收昂貴的手續費.

回答 (1)

2007-10-09 7:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
以下是轉錄自JR Pass的網頁中使用條款部份有關退款的條款 (見Other Usage Conditions 的第3點 - Refund of Exchange Order or JAPAN RAIL PASS): http://www.japanrailpass.net/eng/en008.html
- An Exchange Order that has not been turned in for a JAPAN RAIL PASS can be returned to the office where it was purchased for a refund, within one year of the date of issue. In such case a handling fee and communication fee will be subtracted from the refund.
- After an Exchange Order is turned in for a JAPAN RAIL PASS, the PASS can be turned in at any JAPAN RAIL PASS exchange office for a refund if this is done berore the starting date for the use of the PASS. (Ten percent of the yen price of the PASS will be charged as a handling fee.)
你在香港的代理公司購買的只是換票證 (Exchange Order), 根據以上的官方內容, 只能在購買的地方辦理退款, 而且要扣除手續費及聯絡費. 要在日本境內辦理退款, 正確的"官僚"程序是:
1. 到達日本辦理開票手續, 將開始使用日期定為到達日期之後的任何日子
2. 取得JR Pass後, 在開始使用日期前辦理退款
你不妨在換票時問問職員可否直接辦理退款, 如果對方耍官僚作風拒絕, 就花點時間換了票然後去另一個換票處辦退款吧.

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